

Today, thanks to the Rescue Project, 8-year-old Rafida is living with a loving and caring family. They are protecting her and loving her just the way any daughter deserves.

Not long ago, the Taliban killed Rafida's parents in a revenge attack on their home. Our team rescued her from a Taliban training camp and brought her to safety. She is learning about God's peace and love from her new parents. Like most girls her age, she enjoys reading, writing, and playing. Rafida means “helper,” and that’s exactly what she is to her new family. Her chores include helping clean the family’s home and preparing meals with her new mother.

Rafida was abused physically, emotionally, and sexually by members of the Taliban. It will take time for her to heal. But through our trauma counseling, she is learning to forgive the men who hurt her and to feel valued. As a new Jesus follower, Rafida also is learning how to share her faith with others.



